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Daily Teachings - Jan 12, 2025

How to experience reality?

When you try to experience it, there is no experiencing at all. When you're aware, experience is automatically taking place. You are experiencing reality as it is.

-Sri Bhagavan



True intelligence arises when the mind is liberated from the burdens of the past. As long as the mind remains trapped in memories, conditioning, and patterns born out of previous experiences, it operates within the confines of its limitations. This imprisonment creates repetitive cycles of thought and behavior, blocking access to genuine clarity and insight. Intelligence, in its purest form, blossoms when the mind is unshackled from this past and encounters life afresh, as it truly is.

When the mind is free, it becomes a clear channel for divine grace to flow. This freedom allows one to see without the filters of judgment, prejudice, or fear. In this awakened state, intelligence is no longer a product of the intellect but a divine quality that enables one to respond to life with love, creativity, and authenticity. Such a liberated mind effortlessly moves in alignment with the cosmic order, bringing joy and fulfillment. Let's pray to Sri Ammabhagavan for past liberation.


The purpose of human existence is to discover unconditional love

~ Sri Paramjyothi

ಮಾನವನ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದ ಉದ್ದೇಶವೇ ಬೇಷರತ್ತಾದ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಹಿಡಿಯುವುದು

  • ಶ್ರೀ ಪರಂಜ್ಯೋತಿ



EKAM SURYA NARAYANA POOJA ON THE OCCASION OF MAKARA SANKRANTI ( Sun’s Transition in to Uttaraayanam or Northern solstice ) JANUARY 14th , 2025 6.30 to 8.30 am IST

MAKARA SANKRANTI is the harvest festival in India which marks the Sun’s transit or movement towards the Northern Solstice which is called as Uttarayan in Indian Calendar Spiritually , It is supposed to be a time when human consciousness can very easily access grace from the divine. That is when sun enters into the Makara constellation. It’s supposed to be a time when the spiritual energies of the sun are available for evolution of human consciousness. So Makara Sankranthi is special, the beginning of Uttarayanam phase is special and for Celebrating that in Ekam with a ritual is very very special , because Ekam is a surya yantra which is built after sun’s energies. The Name of the ritual happening in Ekam during the Makara Sankranti is EKAM SURYA NARAYANA POOJA which is chanting 1008 Names of Sun God and thanking and worshipping Sun God. In this Ceremony you will be receiving immense Blessings from Ekam for your material and spiritual growth

Admission Free

Here is the YouTube link to join this Ceremony


Health Miracle - Jan 12, 2025

Health Miracle

Namaste, Sri Amma Bhagavan Sharanam.

My 21 years old daughter stays in a hostel for her studies. She was affected by negative energy and black magic which was affecting her studies. He was harassed in different ways. Her clothes and pages of her book were automatically torn. The food cooked by her was quickly becoming stale. We were very much worried for our daughter.

In 2022, we attended Varadeekshsamala programmer conducted by Dasaji. With a sankalpa for getting released from from black magic my daughter put on Varadeeksha mala. By divine blessings of Sri Amma Bhagavan she became completely free from the effect of black magic. She could lead a normal life and concentrate in her studies.

For showering of blessings on my daughter, I offer immense gratitude and loads of thanks at the lotus feet of Sri Amma Bhagaban.

Pramila Sahoo Bhadrakh, Odisha


Wealth Miracle - Jan 12, 2025


Sri Amma Bhagavan Sharanam

My father suddenly fell ill and had to be admitted to hospital. With Vaideshwar Sri Amma Bhagavan's grace, he was cured. However, we had a bigger problem. At the time, we didn't have the required money to pay the medical bill and hospital charges.

While my brother was busy trying to manage the money, sitting in hospital, I was praying to my Amma Bhagavan to help us. And the miracle happened! I was spellbound when I heard that we did not need to pay a single paisa. Our father seemed to have a medical card, which we did not even know about!We didn't even submit the card, and yet the bills were cleared.

Ananta koti dhanyavad to my dear Amma Bhagavan for helping us with wealth when we needed it most! Always at Your Divine Lotus Feet,

Rakhee Modak, Meghalaya


Atma Sakshatakar - Jan 12, 2025


Sri Amma Bhagavan Sharanam.

There was financial problem in my family. I was having a feeling of insecurity about our future. I was getting hurt easily by others and carrying guilty conciousness about my actions and behaviour towards others. I was having lot of mental suffering and passing through a state of depression. There was no happiness in my life. I was having lot of health problems.

After participating MMY classes and Anand Deeksha, my life has changed. My mental suffering, health problem, insecurity about future, accumulated hurt, guilty conciousness have reduced to great extent. My divine parents have taken over my life. Problems are coming but getting solved automatically by divine grace. Now I am able to accept others and my relationship with them has improved.

I have developed a close bond with Sri Amma Bhagavan and

feeling their presence always. I am experiencing causeless joy and peace in life.

My dear Amma Bhagavan, my words are insufficient to offer you thanks for such great changes in my life. I offer crores of thanks at your lotus feet.

Seema Das

Bhubaneswar, Odisha


Bhagavath Sakshatakar - Jan 12, 2025

Bhagavath Sakshatakar Namaste, Shri Amma Bhagavan Sharanam My name is Sandhya Das and I am from Tollygunge, South Kolkata... I am overwhelmed to have witnessed a great miracle happened at my house on December 15th when I was wearing Vardeeksha Mala and offered Prasad to Shri Amma Bhagavan. To my great astonishment, I noticed Bhagavan ate the Prasad offered to him I cannot express in words the joy and grace I am experiencing after this wonderful miracle which Bhagavad bestowed. Tons and Tons of Gratitude to My Dear Shri Amma Bhagavan..... Koto Koti Padapranam...


Bhagavath Sakshatakar - Jan 12, 2025

Bhagavath Sakshatakar


Shri Amma Bhagavan Sharanam

My name is Sandhya Das and I am from Tollygunge, South Kolkata... I am overwhelmed to have witnessed a great miracle happened at my house on December 15th when I was wearing Vardeeksha Mala and offered Prasad to Shri Amma Bhagavan. To my great astonishment, I noticed Bhagavan ate the Prasad offered to him I cannot express in words the joy and grace I am experiencing after this wonderful miracle which Bhagavad bestowed. Tons and Tons of Gratitude to My Dear Shri Amma Bhagavan.....

Koto Koti Padapranam...


- @roshanhegde