Amma Bhagavan Sharanam.
I would like to share the recent changes in my inner world. I am able to observe profound changes after I began to attend Sri Bhagavan’s Mukthi Moksha Yagna regularly.
Earlier, I was in a confused state, unable to take proper decisions at the right time. I was full of conflicts and hurts. All my relationships were affected. Basically I was an unhappy person causing unhappiness to everyone around me.
As I began attending Mukthi Moksha Yagna and after taking Soma water, the first change I noticed was slowing down of thoughts. I began to experience inner silence most of the time. The constant flow of inner dialogues stopped and became rare. Comparison and judgements reduced, resulting in inner peace.
Relationships are improving as there is absence of conflicts and hurts. There is acceptance of the other, without judging them or blaming them. Even when there are rare occasions of hurts, it is resolved within few minutes. There is no carry over of the past events. There are no charges that leads to emotions like anger, hatred and jealousy. Basically I am able to enjoy peaceful relationships.
There is absence of fear about the future. I am basically living in the present without painful memories of the past. So basically there is happiness. I am able to connect comfortably with nature. Due to absence of the constant inner commentary, there is acceptance. So I am able to connect with fellow people easily.
I am able to live in peace and joy. I am able to experience a deeper connection with Amma Bhagavan. I can feel the bond with Sri Amma Bhagavan strengthening with every passing day. I thank my dear Amma Bhagavan for blessing me with this inner shift and making life a beautiful and bountiful experience.
Coimbatore Tamilnadu