During COVID times, I was taking Aalaya darshans every day and I do so even now. My prayers were being answered, along with healing of my emotional and psychological suffering. In one of the Aalaya darshans, Ramalinga Swami and Paramjyoti Darshan was there fat the time I was not aware of Ramalinga Swami or Lamp Paramjyoti but I used to see Paramjyoti in Sri Murthy). When the darshan began, I felt a strong connection with Paramjyoti and felt like I had been waiting a very long time for this. The entire experience was so surreal that I felt that I am physically there in that place and nothing else existed beyond that. I entered a profound state of meditation. Lord was demonstrating that matter is not how we perceive it. Matter, time and space are nonexistent and that nothing is solid.
My younger son Surya was with me the entire time, snapping pictures of the surroundings. After a few days when I looked into that picture, I realised that the Image only depicted an experience space, time and existence were absent.
It is evident from the picture that I am seeing Aalaya darshan from the ifad, while Surya snapped the picture from the back side of the iPad but the Aalaya darshan is visible at the back also. Ramalinga Swami and Paramjyoti can be seen appearing outside of the iPad’s actual frame. Thank you Sri Paramjyoti Amma Bhagavan, Love you Amma Bhagavan. Eternally at your Lotus Feet.
Bhavana ji, Bangalore, Karnataka