Meditation is an effortless state that arises when the sense of the meditator, or the “self,” is absent. Often, people approach meditation with the intention of achieving something, whether it be peace, insight, or spiritual progress. However, this very effort keeps the mind active and the ego engaged, preventing the deeper state of meditation from naturally occurring. As long as the meditator-the one who is trying to meditate-remains present, true meditation cannot unfold.
Meditation, in its purest form, happens when the mind becomes still, and the sense of “I” dissolves. In this state, there is no effort, no seeking, and no goal; there is only a profound sense of being. When the meditator disappears, one merges with the present moment, experiencing the oneness of all that is. This is the essence of meditation-an experience of pure consciousness, free from the constructs of the mind and ego. Let’s pray to Sri Amma bhagavan to understand true meditation.