Silence represents a profound state of being, one that transcends words, thoughts, and external sounds. It is a deep inner stillness that resonates within us, untouched by the fluctuations of the mind or the chaos of the external world. Noise, in this sense, is not just sound but the ongoing activity of the mind, the endless chatter and restlessness that create inner turbulence. When we move beyond this mental noise, we enter the silence where we encounter the truth of our being.
This silence is the gateway to true awareness and spiritual connection. In silence, we find the space to experience life more fully, sensing the presence of the Divine within and around us. This state of inner quiet allows us to perceive reality as it is, without the distortion of thoughts and judgments. In this way, silence is a state of heightened awareness and clarity, bringing us closer to peace. Let’s pray to Sri Ammabhagavan to be in silence.