There are 3 kinds of people on this planet. The 1st category of people hurt or ignore even those who love them. They have a heart that beat relentlessly but still cannot feel. They are blind & dead to all love & care that is shown to them. They are incapable of gratitude. They are a plaque& disease to the mother earth. Never be one among them.
The 2nd category of people are those who care only for people who love them. Their love is selfish & very limited. Their love lasts only as long as the other continuously loves them & plays their tunes. They make use of people & also willing to made use of as long as it is convenient to them. Be conscious of yourself to see if you are one among them.
The 3rd category of people are really a blessing. They love even those who hurt them. They see them as messengers from God to teach them some deep spiritual lessons on sufferings, forgiveness etc. Life is ultimately a quest to know oneself. Those who hurt you, are revealing your innermost emotions of anger, frustration, venom etc. Since only that which lurks inside comes out when provoked. So be humble enough to see the truth of what you are. Be grateful to them for taking away your bad karmic debts & cleansing you.
~Sri Amma