Sri Amma Bhagavan Sharanam.
I have been following Bhahabat Dharma for the 25 years. During this period, I have witnessed several miracles and blessings in my life. I would like to share with you the inner transformation that has happened with me.
In 2024 I was carrying financial burden and managing my ailing mother- in-law. It was very difficult for me to handle two things at a time. It was giving me lot of stress.
When I started participated early morning satsang, Gurukul programmes, meditation and MMY classes, my life has changed tremendously. I have experienced the following profound inner transformation.
There is no suffering.
I have been able to accept my life as it is and surrender to my Lord.
There is no carry over of the past.
My mother-in-law’s health problem got resolved by divine grace.
My mind has become calm Unnecessary thoughts are not disturbing me as before.
I have stopped judging people and accepting them as they are.
Best change within me is I am taking more action in any situation rather than wasting time in thinking.
I am feeling and inner state of happiness and joy.
I am feeling connected with people, plants, animals and nature. My heart is filled with love for them.
My bond with Sri Amma Bhagavan has become stronger and I am feeling their divine presence always.
I am able to go to anand state. I this state when I am transferring that state to others they are also experiencing the same.
I am leading a beautiful life with my incredible family by divine grace.
I am deeply grateful and thankful to my beloved Amma & Bapa for blessing me with this beautiful Mukti state.
For ever at their lotus feet,
Lilly Pushpa Sethy
Bangalore, India