Miracles & Experiences- Jan 21, 2025
Sri Param Jyothi Amma Bhagavan Sharanam
Namaste, Sri Amma Bhagavan Sharanam! I am Aruna ji from Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. I am grateful to Sri Param Jyothi Amma Bhagavan for performing this great miracle in my home. We were attending Mukti Moksha Darshan and apparently the whole television screen where Sri Bhagavan transformed to Paramjyothi which was an amazing brilliance of light and energy we could experience from the screen itself. We were astounded by the Paramjyothi’s brightness. We experienced a profound state of gratitude and love for Amma Bhagavan and experienced Ananda state (profound joy) which had no limits after witnessing the miracle. I am grateful to Sri Param Jyothi Amma Bhagavan for performing this incredible miracle at my home.
Jai bolo Sri Param Jyothi Amma Bhagavan ki Jai!!
Always Grateful. Aruna ji, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
Atma Sakshatkara Experience
Shri Paramjyothi Amma Bhagavan Sharanam
Namasthe, I am Konduru Maheshji from Warangal. I would like to share my experiences with Sri Amma Bhagvan. My wife and I are deeply committed to our spiritual practices. We participate in all M&M, GAM, and Ekam classes, Homas, and Rituals. We attended Tapas in 2022, and my daughter, too, joins us in these practices with immense devotion. For nearly a year, she woke up at 5a.m. every Friday to participate in Bhagavath Sakshatkara Pooja. A few months ago, I was blessed with the Sri Amma Bhagavan state. For some time, this was a physical experience (Saaroopya). This state continues to grow and stabilize within me. My experience of life is unadulterated, devoid of charges and stories.States that are negative pass by, much like clouds. Life unfolds as a happening, where plans are accomplished effortlessly and opportunities arise spontaneously. My productivity has multiplied and I feel Sri Amma Bhagvan’s presence guiding every moment of my life. Now, with just a thought, they take over completely. Recently, I was granted a glimpse of the state of hell, a profound reminder of their infinite mercy. From time to time, I experience anexpansion-a physical sensation where my body feels vast, and I perceive my life from a bird’s-eye view. During such moments, I am enveloped in profound silence. I can instantly go to the state of Ananda and transfer it to others. During a recent visit to Tirumala, as I stood in line for darshan, chanting Govinda Govinda, where I experienced the oneness of receiving the prayers of everyone around me. I have done nothing in this life to deserve such immense benediction; it is solely through Sri Amma Bhagvan’sinfinite grace that I am blessed with. My heart overflows with gratitude.Always at your golden lotus feet.
Wealth Miracle
Sri Pramjyothi Amma Bhgavan
Namsthe, I am Konduru Mahesh ji, from Warangal.I would like to share the miracles showered on our family by Sri Amma Bhagavan.
As they have been the guiding light of my life, blessed me with a wonderful wife and a crystal child. Thier presence has filled my journey with miracles and grace beyond imagination. We love Sri Amma Bhagavan deeply, and I cannot envision a single moment of my life without their divine presence. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to Shri Krishnaji, and Shri Preethaji for their boundless blessings and deeksha’s bestowed upon my family. My gratitude to the acharya’s and all the Dasas who have personally nurtured and guided us over these years. I have been know as the man with gas stations. The divine grace has blessed my life with countless miracles, so many that I have lost count. I wish to humbly share a few of these extraordinary blessings. Through their blessings, I am now the proud owner of three gas stations and a multi-million-dollar home in Pebble Beach, California-one of the most prestigious gated communities in theUSA, visited by millions of tourists annually. This home was personally hand picked by Poddar Ji, the architect of Ekam. During a time when I lacked the funds for the down payment, government loans and grants came through, almost magically, to make this dream a reality. I vividly recall donating one gram of gold during the construction of Ekam, and you returned this offering a millionfold. The rewards for our contributions to dharma are immeasurable. Sri Amma Bhagavan consistently guided me, protected me from incorrect decisions and directing me towards the right opportunities. The divine intervention has kept me safe, steered my life, and continuously showered blessings on my family. By the divine grace, I have attained a position of respect among my friends and business associates. They often seek my advice and some people ask me the secret behind my success. I proudly tell them it is the benediction of my divine Shri Paramjyothi Amma Bhagavan.
Koti koti pranaams
Always at your service.
Health Miracle Sri paramjyothi Amma Bhagavan Sharanam
A Miraculous Journey of Faith and Blessings
Amma Bhagwan Sharanam
My name is Kedareshwari, and I hail from Rajapalli, a small village in Karimnagar district. It has been 24 years since I embraced Dharmic practices, and in these years, I have been blessed to witness thousands of miracles. I feel compelled to share one of the most profound experiences of my life, as a testimony to the boundless grace of Amma and Bhagwan.
The Battle with Chethabadi (Black magic)
In 2019, I experienced a severe condition called Chethabadi-a condition in which I suffered from frequent blood motions, almost 100 times. This took a severe toll on my health, and while I continued with my daily activities, I became increasingly weak. My aunt, seeing my deteriorating health, took me to a place where the source of my affliction was revealed.
A person, deeply knowledgeable in such matters, identified the person who had caused my suffering. Not only did he reveal the identity of the individual, but he also clearly showed me the face of the person responsible for the Chethabadi (black magic). My father, upon hearing this, asked me why I wasn’t scared, even after knowing who was behind the attack.
At that moment, the locket I was wearing became visible, and the person immediately understood why I was not afraid-I had Amma Bhagwan’s protection.
Divine Intervention: A Dream of Amma
Upon returning home, I stood before the Bhagwan Sri Murthi in my house, placed my hands on my head, and shared my story with Him. I prayed, asking for His divine intervention. I began chanting Matrājapa continuously, seeking solace and healing.
That night, I had a dream where I distinctly heard a voice calling me “Amma”. I woke up, only to realize that no one was there. I thought it was a dream and fell back asleep. Again, I heard the voice calling me “Amma”. This time, I realized that it was Amma herself, speaking directly to me. She assured me, “Don’t worry.”
In that moment, I felt Amma’s divine presence as she removed something from my body. I clearly visualized a figure with long hair being expelled from me. Amma, in her infinite grace, took this entity and began throwing it away from my house.
At one point, Amma reduced the entity to the size of a baby and threw it away like a ball. Then, in a moment of divine power, she transformed the entity into a lemon and crushed it under her left thumb. I witnessed all of this vividly.
Healing and Strength
The next morning, Amma instructed me to take a bath with crystal salt. I followed her guidance, and I felt an overwhelming sense of strength and health, unlike anything I had ever felt before. I shared this experience with my mother, who was equally astounded by the transformation in my energy. Continuous Blessings from Amma Bhagwan
Though I am a construction worker by profession, I have never felt the burden of lack or difficulty. Whenever I feel the need to attend a Homa or contribute, I always find ways to earn more and participate in the sacred rituals. Even though my means are modest, Amma Bhagwan always provide for me, ensuring I can attend the Homams without fail.
Currently, I am taking care of my ailing mother, who is bedridden. Despite the challenges, I never feel stressed, angry, or exhausted. I feel a deep sense of peace and positivity, and I know that it is because of Amma Bhagwan’s blessings. Their grace shields me and allows me to continue caring for
her with love and patience.
The Divine Shield and Blessings
In a recent earthquake that shook our area, everyone around me could feel the tremors, yet I remained unaffected. I realized then that Amma and Bhagwan’s blessings have always shielded me. I could feel their divine protection in that moment, and it reinforced my belief that I am constantly under their loving care.
A Call to Share the Blessings
I am sharing this testimony to remind everyone of the power of faith, the importance of Dharma, and the miraculous transformations that come when we align ourselves with Amma and Bhagwan’s
guidance. I urge everyone to partake in the Sudarshana Homa and seek their divine blessings. Amma Bhagwan have been my shield and my guide, and I am eternally grateful for their presence in my life. I continue to walk the path of Dharma, and I know that as long as I remain in their grace, I will always be protected, guided, and blessed.
Thank You, Paramjyothi Amma Bhagwan, for all that you have done and continue to do in my life.